Learning Pathways

Learning Pathways
Sirsendu Das

Sirsendu Das

Sr. Learning Architect

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Step outside your comfort zone and take a path that can help you change, grow, and transform.
Paths that allow you to fail fast, learn faster, and recover fastest.

We are experiencing this phenomenon everywhere even with large organizations. Digital adoption with swift transformation is keeping businesses alive and fueling their future. Organizations and their leaders have responded by driving end-to-end change through service design, product innovation, operational improvement, technology deployment and talent development. So it’s high time that L&D leaders realize the disruption and adopt strong learning methodologies to address the need of such transformative changes. The question is how these transformative changes are getting translated to the last mile, “Talent”.

In 2010, I recollect a CLO Summit panel discussion where my colleague raised some pertinent questions. Binu hope you will not mind to quote your example where you asked,

Mobile learning is just round the corner and these days, we have access to unlimited information at our fingertips. Traditionally, the learning was conducted through macro learning opportunities like classes, degrees, and classroom training programs for specific groups.

At that point, a panellist hit the common chord and proposed Learning Pathways as a solution and emphasized how it can offer personalization. But the house was divided on implementation as technology was elusive. The solution requires faster Internet, AI, Data science, cloud infrastructure and others.  

The world has changed over in a decade

Advancements in technology have approved two disruptive innovations to emerge Micro-learning and Personalized Learning. These two innovations are of great interest to L&D professionals who aim to equip their employees with the most relevant information while reducing the time and money spent on workforce development.

Both Micro and Personalized Learning are the cornerstones for designing and implementing a Learning Path. But, why is Learning Path Relevant Now?

I think, Learning Paths are much like a road trip, starts with goals, then directions, next shifts to interests, then experiences positive or negative, but overall I am able to adapt to changes in road conditions.  In order to do this, I rely on Google maps, map suggestions, mile stones, exit signs, and even a local help to arrive at my destination.

The big question is “Are there other ways to take a road trip?” There are lot of options… but a prepared plan is always better to save time, effort and cost.

A good learning pathway looks a lot like a structured road trip where a person has the ability to control which direction they take within their journey towards professional development. Learning pathways can help the learners see where they have come from and where their learning path is expected to go.

What is there for organizations?

For organizations, there are tangible benefits of Learning Pathways at Work. In a fast-changing workplace, it can increase employee engagement and retention, fill open company roles with internal talent, and close skills gaps. For employees, it can help you advance within your organization, get greater accomplishment and enjoyment at work, and stay up to date on evolving industry skills.
To develop Learning Pathways for your workforce, start by categorizing a framework for each learning path with:

  • Purpose and Goals
  • Progress aka Milestones
  • Diagnostic Assessment for Learning Path Validation
  • Content modalities and Diversity
  • Social Learning with Learning Buddies
  • Formative Assessments with Feedback
  • ChatbotGPT Support for Coaching and Mentorship
  • Opportunities for POA (Point of Application)

It’s time to think of Learning Paths as the backbone and the guide of every L&D initiatives as it can find ways to exclude waste, and variability in training, leading improved results and reduced costs.

Are you ready to walk the PATH?

Call us for a demo to see how a learning tool based on AI help you create personalized yet scalable learning experiences. That will guide your workers take the right the right learning path.

Also, talk to our Business analyst to experience the platform’s capability to understand the level of experience of each learner and how the recommendation engine modifies the Learning Path.



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